Andrew Havens Ruby Developer

Zend Framework: How to specify which view script a controller should render

04 October 2012

Need to render a different view script than the default? There are actually a few different ways to do it, depending on the situation. Given the following controller:


class MyController extends Zend_Controller_Action
    public function existingAction()
        $this->view->foo = 'original';

    public function reuseExistingViewAction()
        $this->view->foo = 'bar';

The options we have available are:

  • $this->render('existing')
  • $this->renderScript('my-controller/existing.phtml')
  • $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setRender('existing');
  • $this->_helper->viewRenderer('existing'); (calls the setRender method internally)

However, each method acts differently. Let’s see how they differ.

Using the controller’s render() method:

public function reuseExistingViewAction()
    $this->render('existing'); // renders immediately, so only useful if it's at the end of the function
    $this->view->foo = 'bar'; // this code is never added to the view ...

Using the ViewRenderer helper:

public function reuseExistingViewAction()
    $this->_helper->viewRenderer('existing'); // allows us to set early
    $this->view->foo = 'bar'; // works as expected